My Methow

My Methow Electrical Energy Education

This purpose of this webpage is to host a collection of website links and documents relating to education of some of the factors and concepts in the management and conservation of electrical energy relating to how it effects our OCEC for the purchase and supply of this valued commodity in the Methow Valley.

Some Current Items Of Interest
Understanding the new "smart" meters (from Oregon Trail Coop)
BPA Tier 1 Rates (from Oregon Trail Coop)
BPA Tier 2 Rates (from Oregon Trail Coop)

Energy Definitions and Concepts Links
Wikipedia - Explanation of Smart Grid
Wikipedia - Energy Demand Management
Wikipedia - Explanation of Demand Response
Wikipedia - Explanation of Load Control
Calculate Your Electrical Load Factor

Links About Electric Bills and Rate Structure
Understanding Your Bill: Usage Versus Demand
Simple explanation of some electric rates

Links About Metering Hardware/Software
Itron - Centron Meters
Itron - Field Data Collection
Cooper Power Line Communication (PLC)
Alcara - TWACS AMI
Aztech - In Home Monitoring
List of In Home Energy Meters and Displays
TED Energy Detective Home Enery Monitoring

Links about Cooperatives and Running Them
NRECA - Cooperative Principals
Seven Principles of Cooperatives
Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice
A Blog - Nonprofit Joint Ventures
Joint Venture Pitfalls Between Tax-Exempt and For-Profit Organizations